Do you want to help your loved one with aphasia communicate... but don't know where to start?

Our mission at Aphasia Home Exercises (AHE) is to create easily accessible online content to empower YOU as a caregiver and help you maximize your communication with your loved one. Whether your family is on a waitlist for speech-language therapy or you are seeking more information and tools that you can use outside of therapy: we are here to help!

Check out our YouTube channel and sign up for our free AHE email newsletter to get tips, tools, and inspiration sent directly to your inbox.


P.S., thank you for ALL that you are doing as a caregiver for your loved one. Caregiving is not easy, and people like YOU make a world of difference.

This newsletter provides tips, tricks, and inspiration for caregivers of people with aphasia. Join our free email list today!

Educational videos for Caregivers of people with aphasia


About me:

Gentian ("Jen-shin") is a speech-language pathologist who is passionate about providing client-centered and family-centered care. She has provided therapy services across a variety of adult medical settings including hospitals, rehabilitation units, and skilled nursing facilities.